Monday, 9 November 2020

Different Funding Options for a Liquor Store

If you are a business owner of a liquor store that has managed to survive this pandemic, you must be excited at the prospect of getting back to business as usual, albeit with a difference. You may be looking to make an investment to bring about a change in how you conduct your business while ensuring the health and safety of your employees and community. You can look at the following different options to finance your business ideas: 

Funding That's Just Right for You 

At Crest Hill Capital, if you have an idea, we have the fund for it. Merchant cash advances and unsecured cash advances are great when you think business is a bit unpredictable. You can simply agree to a percentage of your everyday credit card sales toward your repayment. You don't have to worry if you go through some days where transactions are low because the payment is relative to your incoming cash flow. However, if your business is doing well enough for you to commit to a fixed daily payment, then an unsecured business cash advance will be a better option. The advantage here would be that you will be able to close your payment in a shorter time period. 


If you are unsure of how business is going to be, you can choose to secure asset-based lending against collateral. You can use the equipment, automobile, property, etc., as collateral to secure your funds. 


For wholesalers looking for a cash advance, you can use the factoring cash advance where advances are based on your invoiced sales. Your repayment period can be between 30 to 60 days.  


Invest in Inventory 


Use the newly secured funding from Crest Hill Capital Limited to take advantage of the overstocked items at your distributors by stocking up on your inventory at a reduced rate. According to a recent report in the journal JAMA Network Open, American adults say their drinking has gone up by 14%. As they now have the opportunity to experiment with different types of liquor, it would make sense to stock up on more of the premium brands and fetch higher profit margins. As liquor items are by and large shelf-stable, you can safely go ahead and stock up on large quantities of popular brands during the holidays and festivals. With Christmas and New Year around the corner, it will be a great way to welcome your shoppers back into your store.  


Invest in Technology 


Choose to invest in an efficient point of sale (POS) software that has detailed reporting features which will help you to get valuable insights into your inventory. It will keep you informed when certain products are moving more slowly than others so you can offer discounts to help boost their sales. The information provided will help you to make a decision on when to order the product again and whether to order at all. Several other features, such as supporting gift and loyalty programs, smart wallets, and wearable techs, will help you keep up-to-date with your customers' expectations. 


Invest in a New Location 


Even though liquor stores are back to business after months of lockdown, they have all been forced to make some adjustments or the other. As business picks up, more and more people will start crowding your store again. Since the fear of contracting the Covid-19 virus still lurks around the corner, curbside pickup works great for your business. If your store does not have one already, you could use your cash advance from Crest Hill Capital Limited to invest in a better location that has one. It is a great hit with shoppers as it cuts their exposure with other shoppers and speeds up their shopping as well.